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Do you use elastic bandage correctly ?


In the supportive treatment of varicose veins, it is also very important to tie the elastic bandage properly. If the operation method of the elastic bandage is wrong, not only will it not be able to treat the varicose veins very well, it will continue to cause some unnecessary side effects.
       In the supportive treatment of varicose veins, it is also very important to tie the elastic bandage properly. If the operation method of the elastic bandage is wrong, not only will it not be able to treat the varicose veins very well, it will continue to cause some unnecessary side effects. So how to apply elastic bandage correctly? Let's take a look at it in practice below, and look forward to providing some assistance to all friends who need to treat varicose veins.
       1. The gauze of different total width should be selected according to different positions. Generally, new elastic bandages (width 7.5X450cm) are used for upper limbs, medium-sized elastic bandages (width 10X450cm) for knees, and small elastic bandages (width 15*) are used for knees. 450cm); The way of strapping depends on the purpose of application. The elastic bandage used to tie the circulatory system should have a venous working pressure that is comparable to the increase in the venous working pressure, and the working pressure must not be too high to limit the venous return or aortic blood supply as the standard.
       2. After the elastic bandage is tied, it must be flattened without wrinkles, especially at the joints. For example, after the kneecap is moved, the gauze is easy to wrinkle, causing the popliteal socket to be stressed, as if a tourniquet was reached. The level of tightness and looseness of the coil should be moderate, and should be based on personal comfort after strapping. Bandage bandage should be carried out every morning before getting up. If the patient has woken up, the patient should be placed in bed again, the body should be stretched to drain the venous blood, and then banding.
      3. When strapping, you need to start from the foot, slowly winding up, and strapping to the required aspect ratio. In the whole process of strapping, the adjacent double-layer elastic bandage should be overlapped two-thirds up and down, otherwise it is not easy to level after strapping, and go to sleep every night.
      4. During the application period of the elastic bandage, it is reasonable to observe the color of the body's skin and the swelling condition of the affected side every day, so as to facilitate the observation of its actual effect. Patients with conservative treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities should be persistently applying elastic bandages every day; patients with deep vein thrombosis must apply elastic bandages no matter in the limited active period or just after the beginning of activities, at least 3 months, or even for life It is used to maintain the function of the superficial veins and the heart valves of the traffic and travel veins, and reduce or clear the disease.